Tara - first boat to be mapped in Germany

  • 28 May 2012 20:19
    Reply # 933093 on 926730
    Deleted user
    The open bow can make for a nice shower, when busy with your ground tackle in the bow well. I plan to close the opening with a long rubber fender. The top of it kinda fixed and the bottom attached with a rubber line. Sort of a large valve. Water that gets in, has to get out. The existing drain hole in the bottom can't handle large amounts of sea water.
    This fender might be usefull, when pulled/fastened under the bow, at anchor in a chop. The flat bottom bow can be noisy.

  • 24 May 2012 21:42
    Reply # 929617 on 926730
    More praise! And thanks for sharing the photos - she's gorgeous.
  • 24 May 2012 10:03
    Reply # 929119 on 926730


    A beautiful piece of craftmanship.  I'm intrigued by the bow..... do you have a panel to put in when sailing?  or is it always open?


  • 24 May 2012 09:10
    Reply # 929099 on 926730
    Deleted user
    Thanks Gary for the compliment.
    We shall see, how she looks like in a couple of years...
  • 22 May 2012 16:56
    Reply # 927461 on 926730
    Deleted user
    That would be the best looking Bolger AS29 I have ever seen. Ok, I've never seen one in the flesh.. actually, I've never seen a (western) junk in the flesh either (Hong Kong excepted).
    But that is a beautiful Bolger box, perfect choice for rivers and canals too.
    Fine work!
  • 21 May 2012 23:33
    Message # 926730
    Deleted user
    Congratulations and thanks to Leo Folz and Yuki for addingTara to our Europe location map (Directories >Members' boat locations) - the first boat to appear in Germany. Leo asked me to post a link to his off-site ad-free photo-album, so here it is. He's experimenting with a gurney flap and spoon leach. Tara is in Düsseldorf.

    The pictures remind me of when I wintered my Sunbird 32 schooner junk Matanie in a canal harbour in Münster, West Germany (as it was then). The harbour froze for several weeks to a depth of over a foot, making it very easy to polish the hull. With a foot of snow on top, it was cosy and warm inside.

    If you're a German member (there are 9 of you, not counting Leo), please map your boats or ask me to do it for you - keine Probleme!

    (Interesting that we have 10 members in Germany and only 1 in the Netherlands.)
    Last modified: 21 May 2012 23:57 | Deleted user
       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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