Issue #59

  • 03 May 2012 13:21
    Reply # 910636 on 896944

    Agreed, an excellent magazine.  I did wonder if I should go to an e-mail only subscription - but then through the door comes this lovely glossy mag,  the only problem is not reading all at once!  Thanks to all involved.


  • 03 May 2012 02:08
    Reply # 910108 on 896944


    How did the carbon braid workout?  Easy to use?


  • 02 May 2012 21:53
    Reply # 909469 on 908970
    Gary Pick wrote:An excellent read David.
    btw Shouldn't you have a new avatar, one sporting your new fan sails?
    All in good time, Gary, all in good time.
    It's taken me an age to make the new carbon fibre spars, but now the sail bundle is waiting to be taken down to Tystie this weekend. As soon as I can get it rigged, and as soon as I can get someone to take a photo - you'll see it.
  • 02 May 2012 13:21
    Reply # 908970 on 896944
    An excellent read David.
    btw Shouldn't you have a new avatar, one sporting your new fan sails?
  • 02 May 2012 08:58
    Reply # 908844 on 908834
    Kurt Jon Ulmer wrote:mehitabel is blushingly pleased to be a cover girl, but redder still about her home port... You see, her master noticed nothing wrong until he pulled the vinyl stencil off. It's fixed now. Victoria.

    An excellent issue. Thank you!

    There, now, I was thinking that Victotia must be the capital city of Utopia, or some such place. Turns out you come from Canada all along. 
    Glad you liked issue 59.
  • 02 May 2012 08:44
    Reply # 908834 on 896944
    mehitabel is blushingly pleased to be a cover girl, but redder still about her home port... You see, her master noticed nothing wrong until he pulled the vinyl stencil off. It's fixed now. Victoria.

    An excellent issue. Thank you!

  • 23 Apr 2012 10:30
    Reply # 898620 on 896944
    Deleted user
    Well done David.  All your hard work has produced another excellent issue.
    It will also have a super glossy cover on the paper version, to keep even the most traditional members very happy.
  • 22 Apr 2012 05:58
    Reply # 897002 on 896944
    I'm slowly working my way though it and enjoying it.
  • 22 Apr 2012 03:44
    Message # 896944
    Deleted user
    Excellent job on #59 David.  Thanks for all the hard work you do putting it together.
       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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