Another write up by Arne Kverneland

  • 06 Sep 2020 23:56
    Reply # 9216095 on 869421

    Thanks for the clear demonstration of how you did it, Arne.  A simple and elegant approach that inspires me to do something similar.

  • 06 Sep 2020 09:25
    Reply # 9215082 on 869421
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    No high science was used  -  or divine patience, for that matter, Graham.
    I just found some scrap wood from the boat club’s workshop, and built up a sort of scaffolding for one endplate at the time. Only when I was happy with the position of the dry-fitted plate, did I mix some epoxy to peanut butter consistence. With epoxy smeared onto the edge of the endplate, I just pushed the plate onto the rudder  -  and then left the place. A few hours later, in the evening, I returned to find that the epoxy had set. Then I could just build up the same scaffolding on the other side and fit the other endplate. Next morning I could remove the scaffolding and add a string of epoxy to the underside. Job done.

    Most work went into making the endplates and giving them several coats of epoxy.


    (..section 7-25 of photos in my members' album...)

    Last modified: 03 Dec 2023 11:20 | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • 06 Sep 2020 00:24
    Reply # 9214561 on 9213714
    Anonymous wrote:

    Boat-fiddling during the 2020 season.

    The sailing season is approaching its end here in Norway, so while it was raining, yesterday, I produced a little write-up, summing up what I have done to my Ingeborg, this special season.
    Technical stuff, only  -  you have been warned...

    Cheers, Arne

    Interesting notes, especially about the endplates, for me, as that is what I am considering for Blue Moon's rudder one of these days.  Enjoying just being lazy and drifting around Moreton Bay at the moment.  I am surprised at how efficient my small rudder is in the light airs I tend to sail in. I suspect running hard might test its limits.

    One question.  You said you just stuck the endplates on with epoxy, no bolts or glass.  How did you do that?  Sit there holding each one until the epoxy went off?  Even a saint might run out of patience!  I am sure you have a more clever answer.

  • 05 Sep 2020 14:27
    Reply # 9213714 on 869421
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Boat-fiddling during the 2020 season.

    The sailing season is approaching its end here in Norway, so while it was raining, yesterday, I produced a little write-up, summing up what I have done to my Ingeborg, this special season.
    Technical stuff, only  -  you have been warned...

    Cheers, Arne

  • 08 Jun 2020 18:58
    Reply # 9023211 on 869421
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    A new rudder for an Athena 34

    Since the matter of rudders has been up on the forum recently, and since it rained yesterday, I collected some photos and diagrams from when a friend of mine built a new rudder for his Athena 34. Hope you find it useful.

    I suggest that any comments are placed here, on the ‘General rudder endplate specs’ topic.
    I let you have the draft already, and will try to straighten it up during the coming days.


  • 27 Mar 2020 23:25
    Reply # 8863221 on 8853366
    Anonymous wrote:

    the first link indicated that a dish towel would work quite well, so now I made a mask from it. I feels very similar to those I made from my roll of cotton canvas. In both cases I double it with a patch in the front (this time fitted on the inside).


    PS, 24.3.20: I have opened a new topic and hope to continue the discussion there.

    1 file
    Last modified: 27 Mar 2020 23:28 | Anonymous member
  • 24 Mar 2020 20:13
    Reply # 8854575 on 869421
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    On a more serious note, a couple of weeks ago when surgical masks suddenly became unavailable, I pulled one apart and examined the three layers – the water resistant (coloured) layer which goes outside, the moisture absorbent inner layer – and the almost unnoticeable middle layer which combines the two conflicting properties of (a) breathability (b) filtration.

    I then went to Spotlight (our local fabric supplier) to look for materials which most resembled the above, with a view to doing some fooling around during the expected period of self-isolation and travel restrictions (which is now upon us).

    The nearest I could find for the outer layer, which looked good, was a non-woven microfibre cloth that comes in various weights, I think used for stiffening inner layers, in the garment trade. The one I bought is polyester and I put it under the tap - it is water resistant, though not quite as good as the outer layer of a surgical mask.

    I think if I were going to make a Arne-type DIY mask I would put a throw-away replaceable layer of this on the outside, as a first-line defense against droplets.

    I think the main purpose of the mask is to lower the likelihood of transmission rather than protect the wearer. (A surgeon doing an appendix operation does not wear a mask because he/she is afraid of catching appendicitis). That being the case, Arne’s mask, with a water resistant outer shield or an improvised celluloid visor (see below), might be as good as any.

    The problem is, the high-tech spunbond middle-layer filter in surgical masks does not seem to be readily available, so trying to make a true surgical mask is probably not a DIY task. I bought a pack of vacuum cleaner bags to cut up, thinking this might make the best available inner layer for filtration – but have not yet had time to test “breathability”.

    Then googled and saved what seemed to be the best information (and top of my list was the same site as the one on the top of David’s list – recommended reading.)

    By far the most practical I could find, on the subject of DIY masks was this one, put out by Hong Kong Consumer Council and including a recommended DIY design from Shenzhen and Hong Kong University Hospital:

    This is the one I would follow for a simple DIY surgical mask which does not require sewing – augmented by a transparent visor shield made from transparent file-folders which is attached to one’s glasses. The transparent shield and the DIY mask made from household materials, as described in the link above, might be a good option

    The New Zealand file folders seem to be a little opaque, but light, stiff cellophane (celluloid?) is readily available by the roll at the local stationery warehouse.

    In the meantime, surgical masks are available again in NZ though you have to hunt around for them and take pot luck. I agree with Arne, the high quality dust mask which allows unfiltered exhalation may be a protection for you, but does not protect others and so is not a good choice.

    (PS I bought a Hepa filter too, with a view to trying out a "Darth Vader" style, but after looking at Arne's modelling photo's I decided it might frighten the public - though as Arne points out, that does achieve the goal of "social distancing"!)

    One more point: Arne's mask, and the cloth type in David's No. 3 recommended website, are presumably intended to be sterilised and re-used. Don't bother tryjng to sterilize a surgical mask, it destroys them. They are throw-aways and nothing wrong with that in these circumstances, as long as they go straight into a lidded bin. Where they are in short supply and have to be re-used, a Chinese friend has told me people leave the surgical masks in direct sunlight when not in use, which may help a little to sterilise, without destroying the middle filter layer.

    I'm waiting for some lateral thinking from Howard.

    Last modified: 24 Mar 2020 21:19 | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • 24 Mar 2020 11:47
    Reply # 8853395 on 8853295
    Graeme wrote:

    I was going to make a split mask but I was told it wouldn't work.

    This probably won't work either:

    One Users' DIY air pollution anti-virus mask
  • 24 Mar 2020 11:24
    Reply # 8853366 on 869421
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    the first link indicated that a dish towel would work quite well, so now I made a mask from it. I feels very similar to those I made from my roll of cotton canvas. In both cases I double it with a patch in the front (this time fitted on the inside).


    PS, 24.3.20: I have opened a new topic and hope to continue the discussion there.

    Last modified: 24 Mar 2020 22:24 | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • 24 Mar 2020 09:57
    Reply # 8853295 on 869421
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    I was going to make a split mask but I was told it wouldn't work.

       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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