Junk rigged Kingfisher 20/20+ rigging and sailing info

  • 04 Mar 2013 22:13
    Reply # 1233545 on 766028
    Deleted user
    Looks fine, Georg. It would be nice to see a photo of you on the members only fora though!
  • 04 Mar 2013 21:13
    Reply # 1233508 on 766028
    Deleted user
    thank you for your help.
    hope everything's alright now… :-))
  • 19 Feb 2013 21:37
    Reply # 1212536 on 766028
    For information - the Technical and General fora display your boat's photo, since they are visible outside of the members' area. For the moment, I have put the JRA logo into your profile, in the "boat's photo" field, to demonstrate this, but of course it can easily be changed to something else of your choosing.

    All the other fora, within the members' area, display your personal photo.

    [Webmaster edit: Thanks for helping Georg, David. I've inserted your advice on the Help page.]
    Last modified: 20 Feb 2013 15:39 | Deleted user
  • 19 Feb 2013 09:19
    Reply # 1212084 on 766028
    Deleted user
    actually i did change it – yet for some reasons somehow it doesn't seem to work…
  • 13 Feb 2013 20:43
    Reply # 1207874 on 766028
    Deleted user
    Hi 'Anonymous'. Glad you found my document useful. You might want to change your Privacy settings so members can see who you are! I've emailed you about that.
  • 13 Feb 2013 10:42
    Reply # 1207445 on 766028
    Deleted user
    thank you very much, indeed…
    Last modified: 13 Feb 2013 10:45 | Deleted user
  • 05 Dec 2011 12:13
    Message # 766028
    Deleted user
    Lest anyone out there has a junk-rigged Kingfisher 20/20+ (or similar) and doesn't have Blondie Hasler's original rigging/sailing instructions, I've scanned these and David has posted them in the Junk Knowledge Archive. My wife and I bought a 20+ in the late 70s, so I guess an 'archive' is the right place for them, as they'll soon be 40 years old! Still good, sensible reading, though.
       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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