Dead diesel. Electric?

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  • 22 Sep 2011 23:26
    Reply # 706426 on 706393
    I like the idea – for a boat that is used for day trips and that returns to a dock to plug in each night. For a cruising boat, it would seem to need a small diesel gen-set or a very large wind turbine to feed the batteries at a sufficient rate.
    It would be great to avoid having an infernal combustion engine aboard.
    Last modified: 22 Sep 2011 23:28 | Anonymous member
  • 22 Sep 2011 21:22
    Message # 706393
    Deleted user
    Well, the 30 yr. old Yanmar is dead. My choices as far as I can see are rebuild, replace with diesel, or replace with electric. I'm leaning heavily toward electric.
    If you're interested in seeing the specific system I'm leaning toward you can see it at
    Base system is $5k US. Add about a grand for hi-thrust propellor and batteries.
    They custom make the mounting bracket so it fits right in your original motor mounts, lines up with your prop shaft.
    It would cost about the same for a new Beta diesel.
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