That may work, but it surely would be a tight fit. It depends on how you fit the hoops along the luff and leech. Personally I prefer to make the battens a little longer (5-10cm?) than B. I then try my best to tie the after end of the batten flush with the leech, and then just let the forward end protrude from the luff. That makes it easy to tie the sail on and fit batten parrels, HK parrels and the block for the throat hauling parrel, THP (on batten 2).
The forward end of the battens takes quite light loads. The quickest way of extending the 12’ tubes a bit, is probably to find a round stick of hardwood, say oak or ash, in a store, and then make suitable plugs from it.
The other method presented itself for me in 2016 as I was making the battens for my Ingeborg: Due to a blunder, I shortened batten 6 instead of the boom. As the photo below shows, I mended it by fitting a splint type joint, using four strips of alloy, plus a number of pop rivets. If you could get an extra stub of that aluminium tube, you could easily add the necessary extra length of tube to each of them. However, I guess my Plan A would be the hardwood plugs, if I could find some of (nearly) the right size.
Cheers, Arne