SE UK Boatyard allowing steelwork by owner?

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  • 31 Aug 2018 06:13
    Reply # 6647451 on 6647405

    Hi Paul,

    I do not know the south east coast but sailed quite a lot on the east coast and having an old gaffer at that time (1970's) I hauled out and worked on it quite a bit in that area before taking my boat to the Bristol Channel. I know that there were boatyards at Mistley near Manningtree, Heybridge Basin, Tollesbury, Brightlingsea and Pin Mill, that all allowed the owners to work on their boats in the yard. I suggest that you contact the Old Gaffers Association, who can probably update you on boatyards, both in the south and the east, that will allow you to work on your boat in their yard. They are an organization somewhat similar to the JRA but for gaff rigged boats, and like the JRA they do a lot of the work on their boats themselves.

    All the best in your search and your conversion to junk rig.


  • 31 Aug 2018 05:15
    Message # 6647405


    First post :-)

    I'm  currently trying to decide if I want to sell my boat and buy an existing JR vessel or convert mine. 

    The issue is space. If I can find a boatyard where owner work is permitted. Then it's a clear decision to convert my boat - I've grown very fond of her. 

    Not knowing the UK very well. I'm wondering if anyone has (first hand - up to date) knowledge of any place on the SE coast from say Margate to Chichester that is an old fashioned boatyard that allows major work by owners...

    Major work - as concurrently with the rig change. I want to replace my coach roof. So welding and grinding are involved. Not too much grinding I'll template the CR sides and top and have them shot blasted and pre-primed. So it's mostly touching up welds etc. (I've a steel hull and side decks with ply CR and cabin top.

    Okay, a long first post - but I'm waiting for a few mail packages before running down from North Holland to the south coast UK. 

    Please let me know by email if you have any contacts regarding a re-fit boatyard. I'd be most grateful!

    Fair winds...


    Last modified: 31 Aug 2018 05:16 | Anonymous
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