Search facility

  • 09 Jul 2011 06:38
    Reply # 649258 on 647659
    Deleted user
    Aha, That's logical Thanks for explaining

  • 07 Jul 2011 09:56
    Reply # 647777 on 647659
    I'm afraid it's asking the impossible. The Google search engine can only "see" material that is in a public area. It cannot see anything that needs a password to access, or there would be no point in having a password. The General and Technical fora have been put in the public area so that non-members can see a little of what we are about, and to make that search facility possible for our own benefit, but those are the only two fora that we care to be read by outsiders. The others may contain personal information or JRA business that is not the business of the wide world.
  • 07 Jul 2011 07:58
    Reply # 647764 on 647659
    Deleted user
    Thank you David, both for the solution and the gallant comment! 

    Would it be asking the impossible to have that search facility on all the fora pages?

    In return for your gracious comment and your abundant help and encouragement...

    I  have started a new thread in the website forum as my comments are off topic!
  • 07 Jul 2011 07:10
    Reply # 647747 on 647659
    Rene & Lesley Verbrugge wrote:I put it down to the heat here, and possibly my age, but I can't find the search facility on here, although I swear I used it last time I posted about the cruisers wiki. I want to find the original mention of the scaffold hitch that was referred to in another post.

    Come, come, Lesley, you don't look a day over 21, so it must be the heat in Hong Kong. The Google search is at the top of the General and Technical fora.
    Using the Google search, I found my original posting:
  • 07 Jul 2011 05:15
    Message # 647659
    Deleted user
    I put it down to the heat here, and possibly my age, but I can't find the search facility on here, although I swear I used it last time I posted about the cruisers wiki. I want to find the original mention of the scaffold hitch that was referred to in another post.

       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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