
  • 25 Nov 2012 04:33
    Reply # 1145179 on 644008
    Hopefully the last of the real problem leaks fixed today. I ran the engine for a while and then shackled to the mast crane the mast lift, topping lifts and the halyard. Had lunch on board with some friends and then came home. Bit on the tired side, this working for a living is exhausting.
  • 20 Nov 2012 21:02
    Reply # 1142274 on 1141283
    Barry & Meps / Stellrecht & Schulte wrote:
    Gary Pick wrote:If I add rope tails from the deck blocks to the mast collar ring bolts then I could do that. That would get them high enough.
    Of course if I was affluent enough I could buy and bolt some turning blocks to the mast.
    Sounds like a good place for spectra soft shackles. I wrote about them on the Technical forum here. You can find directions for making soft shackles here.

    Yet another good idea.
  • 20 Nov 2012 05:05
    Reply # 1141283 on 1140094
    Deleted user
    Gary Pick wrote:If I add rope tails from the deck blocks to the mast collar ring bolts then I could do that. That would get them high enough.
    Of course if I was affluent enough I could buy and bolt some turning blocks to the mast.
    Sounds like a good place for spectra soft shackles. I wrote about them on the Technical forum here. You can find directions for making soft shackles here.
  • 19 Nov 2012 20:40
    Reply # 1140991 on 1140921
    Paul Thompson wrote:This photo taken from inside Redwing's cabin during a rain storm reminds me so much of the anchorage at Jacare, Brazil. Do you not find it so Annie?

    Yes indeed.  Especially the rain!! :-)  All that's needed are the strains of Bolero in the background.
  • 19 Nov 2012 19:56
    Reply # 1140962 on 644008
    Arne I was going to splice eyes in my rope tail but the lashing method would be better because it's adjustable.
  • 19 Nov 2012 19:01
    Reply # 1140921 on 644008
    This photo taken from inside Redwing's cabin during a rain storm reminds me so much of the anchorage at Jacare, Brazil. Do you not find it so Annie?
  • 19 Nov 2012 11:08
    Reply # 1140606 on 1140094
    Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Gary Pick wrote:
    If I add rope tails from the deck blocks to the mast collar ring bolts then I could do that. That would get them high enough.
    Of course if I was affluent enough I could buy and bolt some turning blocks to the mast.

    Stavanger, Monday


    your proposed use of rope tails to raise the deck blocks is what I use. I’ve only bothered with raising the halyard deck block. If many control lines are to be used, then David Tyler’s clamped-on flange or shelf on Tystie’s mast is by far the most elegant. The height is adjustable and there is no drilling of holes in the mast. I picked this photo from NL38, p.28.

    Cheers, Arne

  • 18 Nov 2012 20:31
    Reply # 1140280 on 1140070
    Deleted user
    Paul Thompson wrote:Looking at the photo's that you put on the wooden boat forum, I noticed that you have bulls eyes on your coachroof and on the raised/PH section. If you possibly can, I strongly advise you to run your lines straight from the mast to the PH top. Those extra bulls eyes will add more friction than you would believe possible.
    Paul's right. Paradox came with bullseyes to steer her foremast's Freedom rig lines over the front of the pilothouse. I ran them over the bullseyes a few months back and the difference in the friction was marked. If you need to add blocks at the mast, maybe on a stainless ring (with eyes) screwed into the mast?              
  • 18 Nov 2012 09:36
    Reply # 1140094 on 1140070
    Paul Thompson wrote:Gary, good that you are getting her sorted out. It's just teething troubles and in due course they'll be behind you.

    Looking at the photo's that you put on the wooden boat forum, I noticed that you have bulls eyes on your coachroof and on the raised/PH section. If you possibly can, I strongly advise you to run your lines straight from the mast to the PH top. Those extra bulls eyes will add more friction than you would believe possible.

    If I add rope tails from the deck blocks to the mast collar ring bolts then I could do that. That would get them high enough.
    Of course if I was affluent enough I could buy and bolt some turning blocks to the mast.
    Last modified: 18 Nov 2012 09:38 | Anonymous member
  • 18 Nov 2012 06:40
    Reply # 1140070 on 644008
    Gary, good that you are getting her sorted out. It's just teething troubles and in due course they'll be behind you.

    Looking at the photo's that you put on the wooden boat forum, I noticed that you have bulls eyes on your coachroof and on the raised/PH section. If you possibly can, I strongly advise you to run your lines straight from the mast to the PH top. Those extra bulls eyes will add more friction than you would believe possible.
       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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