
  • 17 Mar 2013 10:19
    Reply # 1244575 on 644008
    First pure sailing today, what a day!
    The luff hauling parrel caused a problem when it managed somehow to weave itself in and out of the forward ends of the battens. By the time I got around to sorting it we ended up sailing with the top 3 panels only as we were heading back in. So I still don't know if I've fixed it. The rig generates quite a lot of power and given the flood tide I had to deal with it handles quite well on all points of sailing.
    The other good news is the engine now starts perfectly. All it needed was a slightly less than a quarter turn adjustment on the injector pump.
  • 15 Mar 2013 20:30
    Reply # 1243746 on 1242096
    Graham Cox wrote:  I have a combined lever however that works well, courtesy of a small brass fitting on the throttle lever with a spring and nut adjuster to control the tension.  You should be able to buy them from a diesel part supplier if you explain what you need.  If you have a problem I can send you a photo of my set up.  It is just a question of keeping the revs up as the engine changes gear.

      Arion will be heading for Sydney for the summer but we will have to try and have a little rally along the way!
    Graham I have a combined gear/throttle lever purchased from Whitworths and it cost about $250. In hindsight I would have been better off buying the twin handled setup and it was cheaper. I'll pay with the throttle cable today and see if I can take some of the free play out of it.
    Regarding a possible rally,let me know when you have a better idea of your plans.
  • 15 Mar 2013 16:14
    Reply # 1243511 on 644008
    "Where two or three are gathered together ... " 
  • 15 Mar 2013 10:34
    Reply # 1243298 on 644008
    An Oz rally of two, so far.:)
    I think Moreton Bay would be ideal.
  • 14 Mar 2013 20:21
    Reply # 1242895 on 644008
    Deleted user
    An Oz rally, and one in the US? Where will this all end?
    Last modified: 14 Mar 2013 20:22 | Deleted user
  • 14 Mar 2013 08:28
    Reply # 1242377 on 644008
    Brian that's fine by me thanks.
    Graham I do have HK parrels fitted. I'm pretty sure the problem is with the luff hauling parrel but I'll have a better idea on Saturday. As for my mast it could have been another half metre in height. I should try it with one panel reefed and see if it sets properly.
  • 13 Mar 2013 23:23
    Reply # 1242096 on 644008
    Hi Gary, I just looked at your photos and blog at Woodenboat.  Do you have HK parrels on your sail?  The luff/throat hauling parrel is the most important thing to haul the sail aft and get it setting right but I also found HK parrels helped stabilize the sail.  You are certainly at your maximum hoist when the sail is fully up but remember that this is will only be the situation in light winds.  As soon as he wind freshens you can drop in a reef, then you have all the hoist you need!

    As for the engine, it is true that you can sail without one and I have done so, on Arion for 10 years and many other boats in the past.  It is lovely to have a clean bilge and none of that complication, but it restricts what you can do when coastal sailing.  Since putting a diesel in Arion I have found cruising inshore to be a lot more relaxed and playful.  Most engineless sailors stick to bluewater passagemaking.  My engine, a 14 hp Kubota, also was designed for separate throttle and gear cables.  I have a combined lever however that works well, courtesy of a small brass fitting on the throttle lever with a spring and nut adjuster to control the tension.  You should be able to buy them from a diesel part supplier if you explain what you need.  If you have a problem I can send you a photo of my set up.  It is just a question of keeping the revs up as the engine changes gear.

    Hope the weather is settling down there, we are having a late wet here, with a tropical low forming every few days but so far they have passed well clear of Arion.  I am doing a non-stop delivery to Sydney in April (Adams 13) and then will sail Arion to the Whitsundays in May and further south next summer.  Arion will be heading for Sydney for the summer but we will have to try and have a little rally along the way!
  • 13 Mar 2013 20:52
    Reply # 1241987 on 644008
    Deleted user
    Gary, just about to add your blog to our links page. Hope that's OK.
  • 10 Mar 2013 20:43
    Reply # 1239070 on 644008
    I'm thinking I may get the pushpit strengthened at some stage to take the lower blocks for the sheet.As it's very much in the way where it is and as I found during a gybe it's easy to get caught in it.
  • 10 Mar 2013 18:58
    Reply # 1239016 on 644008
    Well done, Gary. Yes, as you say, you needed a good hard pull on the luff hauling parrel to get the sail to set better.
       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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