
  • 16 Apr 2013 06:09
    Reply # 1269677 on 644008
    What with Kerry's eye op, it's small complications and other non - boat demands on my time it's been impossible to get near the sanding and varnishing I so want to do. To top it off the weather has been sunny and dry and just what one requires for varnish work etc.
    All has not been lost as I now have all the bits made to modify the pushpit for the sheet blocks. So this weekend coming all the bits plus welder shall meet and I will have my shiny metal main sheet horse.
  • 07 Apr 2013 10:10
    Reply # 1262086 on 644008
    One of my neighbouring cruising yachties had a look at my pushpit over the weekend and has come up with a very simple and minimalist way of bracing my pushpit so I can anchor the lower sheet blocks to it. Not only that but he's offered to weld it up for me free of charge!
    No sailing this weekend but I did manage to fix some annoying cabin leaks and re tie a couple of upper batten parrels I'd managed to get confused with.
    The rain showers are still frequent enough to stop any thought of varnish work but I'm think of buying a plastic tarp that I can tie down over the sail bundle and work under.
    The Cumulus clouds today were just awesome to behold.
  • 02 Apr 2013 11:03
    Reply # 1256983 on 1256477
    Jonathan Snodgrass wrote:
    Gary Pick wrote:We're planing an overnight trip up the river next and I'm starting to think about our first little cruise up to Moreton Bay.
    Wonderful.  Well done.  Congratulations.  Jonathan

    Thank you Jonathan, It's a good feeling to have gotten past the armchair sailor stage.
  • 01 Apr 2013 21:54
    Reply # 1256477 on 1255799
    Gary Pick wrote:We're planing an overnight trip up the river next and I'm starting to think about our first little cruise up to Moreton Bay.
    Wonderful.  Well done.  Congratulations.  Jonathan
  • 01 Apr 2013 02:00
    Reply # 1255799 on 644008
    Well did find the odd bit of empty water between the jetskies and we did manage some very nice sailing. The tweaking of the throat hauling parrel has worked and we had all but the last panel up crease free. I couldn't raise the last panel as the sheet span to the boom had caught around the eyebolt on the end of the batten. The run up the river was a mix of broad reaching, beam wind and running. The trip back down the river saw a good bit of tacking and she handled that quite well though I did end up in irons a few times through not being fast enough. I'm going to do away with the eyebolts and adopt something like Arne uses.
    Now that I know the rig works the way it should I'm going to concentrate on tidying up the rig and catching up on maintenance jobs for a few weeks.
    We're planing an overnight trip up the river next and I'm starting to think about our first little cruise up to Moreton Bay.
  • 25 Mar 2013 09:06
    Reply # 1251028 on 1250993
    Gary King wrote:I thought you got rid of the throat parrel and routed the yard hauling parrel like this.
    That setup still uses a throat hauling parrel as well. I made a few more adjustments to the throat hauling parrel on the weekend but didn't get the chance to test it. I'll see how I go next weekend, being Easter I might have trouble finding an empty bit of water between the jetskies though.
  • 25 Mar 2013 06:55
    Reply # 1250993 on 644008
    Deleted user
    I thought you got rid of the throat parrel and routed the yard hauling parrel like this.
  • 25 Mar 2013 02:46
    Reply # 1250915 on 644008
    Okay senior moment alert!
    I realised while working on the rig on Saturday that what I have been consistently calling the luff hauling parrel is in fact a throat hauling parrel.
    Apologies for that.
  • 18 Mar 2013 03:00
    Reply # 1245070 on 644008
    Regarding the blocks Annie I think you may well be right there. There's not a lot of travel between them. The annoying thing is I managed to get the sail to set without the diagonal creases some weeks ago.
  • 17 Mar 2013 23:23
    Reply # 1244925 on 644008
    Great stuff, Gary.  I am still not a fan of the luff hauling parrel, but I have to say it does do the job.  Maybe your blocks are a little too close to the forward end of the battens?  Good that the donk is going - maybe that guy on the Wooden Boat forum (who has obviously never had a marina berth in a river) will get off your back now!
       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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