Jordan Series Drogues, other Drogues, and Sea Anchors

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  • 18 May 2011 02:23
    Reply # 593762 on 593397
    Deleted user
    simon kibblewhite wrote:

    Hi "MD!"

    Roger Taylor of Mingming fame is a series drogue user and also a JRA member, his site is well worth a look. The web also has lots of info on DIY series drogues.... you can even buy the cones on ebay!!


    Roger's on our blogroll and well worth two looks. How would you like to dig up a couple of examples and I'll see if I can light a fire under the Links Editor to get them installed in our Commercial Links & DIY area?

    Lovely boat, btw.
  • 17 May 2011 22:35
    Reply # 593604 on 592701
    Like your boat, Simon!
  • 17 May 2011 18:00
    Reply # 593397 on 592701
    Deleted user

    Hi MD

    Roger Taylor of Mingming fame is a series drogue user and also a JRA member, his site is well worth a look. The web also has lots of info on DIY series drogues.... you can even buy the cones on ebay!!


  • 17 May 2011 14:02
    Reply # 593092 on 592701
    Deleted user
    Paul Thompson wrote: To see a JDS (Jordan Series Drogue) in action, take a peek at this link: and feel sorry for those who do not sail in junk rigged boats.

    Nice vid, Paul. Would have been a bit more helpful had there been some related commentary. I suppose I don't have enough sea sense to perceive the difference simply from the visuals.

    Do you, or does anyone else here, have a Jordan Series Drogue?

    Have you, or anyone else here, ever deployed one? Can anyone here comment?

    Should I add this drogue to the links?
  • 17 May 2011 01:10
    Message # 592701
    To see a JDS (Jordan Series Drogue) in action, take a peek at this link: and feel sorry for those who do not sail in junk rigged boats.
    Last modified: 17 May 2011 01:10 | Deleted user
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