Oddysey 111 sounds interesting. What is its chafe resistance like, compared say to Condender cloth or conventional dacron? I remember David used acrylic on Tystie's big red sail. as he called it, the junk sail he had before going to a soft wingsail. I remember he had some chafe issues with it. I'd like to ask him about his experiences with that sail, his views on the best sail material to use (Odyssey 111?), and some other issues. I remember he had a vang on the boom to haul the sail across the mast when before the wind. How did that work in practice? Did it make a significant difference to the balance of the helm? My sail, at about 350 sq feet, won't be quite as large but it is still a big sail on a 24 foot boat. (You can see photos of my boat on Bruce Roberts Website on the Tom Thumb 24 page.) I also seem to remember, from photos I saw in PBO shortly after Tystie's launch, that he did not have fixed batten or yard parrels. I would have thought they are essential to control the sail when hoisting ot lowering. Perhaps I missed something. What were the significant factors in the decision to change the rig, and what other advice would you give to sailors contemplating relatively large, low aspect ratio single sails?