Isn't it! They have apparently sailed on further south. Turns out the creek where the boat was anchored is about 10 feet deep, so perhaps not shallow draft after all. And though it doesn't show in the photo, the rig was apparently quite tall. Shemaya
That is a purpose built ship!
Thanks so much, everybody – I wonder what else will turn up! Graham, I'll ask the friend who took the picture if he noticed about the draft. I suppose it couldn't be too deep, because there was the boat, back in the creeks. Shemaya
Kilda has the unmistakable signs of being a round-bilge Bolger design, or a derivative of his ideas. There is a Tasmanian designer, Murray Isles, who has designed a number of similar boats, among others. I wonder if she is a shallow-draft ship?
Wish I could help. Not associated with our club. Believe I saw her at anchor briefly in the North West Arm. I did not have a chance to visit her. I will ask around, starting with our gas dock attendants. They often meet cruisers passing through when they come to us to fuel up.
Does anybody know this JR boat? KILDA, out of Halifax, Nova Scotia. Just curious – this photo is from where it was recently seen by a friend in South Carolina. Shemaya
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