
  • 30 Aug 2015 06:22
    Reply # 3501726 on 3497193
    Jim Hall wrote:Talking of books Annie, perhaps the time would soon be right for another one from you.  We'd all like very much to hear more about the Sib-lim boat after it's finished and your expanded up- to -date thoughts on living economically on a JR boat.

    It must be easier and cheaper to self- publish books these computerised days so more chance of a financial success?

    Jim, thank you for the suggestion.  I think if all goes well on the SibLim project, there might be some justification for a new book.  Pottering on a Small Income, perhaps? 
  • 29 Aug 2015 11:34
    Reply # 3500989 on 3493944
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    We are publishing Ming Ming II's 2014 voyage in the next magazine, Jim,  with Roger's permission.   

    Lynda,  Ed. JRA Mag. 

    Last modified: 29 Aug 2015 11:36 | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • 26 Aug 2015 16:37
    Reply # 3497196 on 3493944
    Deleted user


    I'm just about to go off sailing for a couple of weeks in my little Paradox, so may not be able to respond to replies for while. It all depends on me being able to get mobile internet where ever I am



  • 26 Aug 2015 16:33
    Reply # 3497193 on 3493944
    Deleted user

    Good Oh. Looking forward to that. 

    Talking of books Annie, perhaps the time would soon be right for another one from you.  We'd all like very much to hear more about the Sib-lim boat after it's finished and your expanded up- to -date thoughts on living economically on a JR boat.

    It must be easier and cheaper to self- publish books these computerised days so more chance of a financial success?



  • 25 Aug 2015 21:26
    Reply # 3496023 on 3493944

    As far as I know, Roger is not voyaging this summer.  But he is writing his new book and I, for one, am very much looking forward to reading it!

  • 24 Aug 2015 20:16
    Message # 3493944
    Deleted user

    Curious to  know if Roger Taylor has been on a voyage this year?

    Nothing new on his website.... and I can't see anything else on the web to suggest that he has.

    It's just that I'm looking forward to his next book and guess that one will be due after his next trip.



       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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