Graham had the bad luck in that one, we were in quite a good spot, but still the intensity of the storm caught us both by surprise. We dragged a total of 300m over 12 hours and it wasn't till I was able to get on deck at dawn and increase the scope to 10:1, all our chain out, that the dragging stopped. In fact she didn't budge an inch as the storm intensified to 70+ knots. Fortunately none of the boats moored upwind of us broke loose, though several had their sails unfurl and flog to shreds.
Also, we're swapping that floating silver rope for decent nylon on our anchor rodes. That floating stuff is a bit of a hazard, because in the calm after the storm it floated up looping around the keel! I was able to untangle it using a bit of genius ;) Were able to retrieve the dinghy undamaged, having spent 2 days on the river bed, then had a kind of pleasant social event, along with Graham, being driven around by one of the friendly waterside residents looking for a new pair of oars.
I naturally assumed NSW has several storms like this a year, but been assured this was a once in 10 year event. Hope so :/