
  • 26 Jan 2015 23:15
    Reply # 3210814 on 3208878
    roger cook wrote: Yes it is very very frustrating, the connection when available is 2G and painfully slow, but I will document my junk rig conversion for others to muse over in the coming months. Using the search engine from my mobile takes far to long, as do some of the links, even if they were optimised for mobile devices, my connection is so poor that I end up looking at a screen of half loaded information !
    Tell me about it!  I'm enjoying my summer's sailing, but even with my netbook am finding that mobile broadband in remote anchorages is amazingly slow.  30 seconds to send a 2 line email, for example!  I'm presently anchored off Port Whangarei and the service is almost normal: about 10 seconds to post this :-)
  • 23 Jan 2015 22:24
    Reply # 3208878 on 3203576
    Deleted user
    Chair JRA wrote:

    hello Roger, and a warm welcome to the Association. My sympathies are with you regarding poor internet connections, I too struggle to connect, and it's very frustrating when you are searching for information. happily you have joined at a time when our search facility has just become a little easier.

    Ask your questions Roget, this is a supportive community that you are now part of, and I am sure our members with good and fast connections will gently point you in the direction of existing postings that will help you find your way quickly to the answers you are seeking. Ash has already given you some links to start you off, and I'm sure others will be there for you.

    if you have time,  would you consider helping those that follow, by listing your burning questions and logging your findings, as a newbie to the site?  links to postings you found, that sort of thing? It could well become a valuable resource to those in the same position as yourself.

    Enjoy your membership, and your voyage of discovery, and don't hesitate to ask questions of those who have already travelled the same road!

    Warmest regards


    Hello, Yes it is very very frustrating, the connection when available is 2G and painfully slow, but I will document my junk rig conversion for others to muse over in the coming months. Using the search engine from my mobile takes far to long, as do some of the links, even if they were optimised for mobile devices, my connection is so poor that I end up looking at a screen of half loaded information ! But I will keep plugging away Thanks
  • 19 Jan 2015 01:32
    Reply # 3203576 on 3187684

    hello Roger, and a warm welcome to the Association. My sympathies are with you regarding poor internet connections, I too struggle to connect, and it's very frustrating when you are searching for information. happily you have joined at a time when our search facility has just become a little easier.

    Ask your questions Roger, this is a supportive community that you are now part of, and I am sure our members with good and fast connections will gently point you in the direction of existing postings that will help you find your way quickly to the answers you are seeking. Ash has already given you some links to start you off, and I'm sure others will be there for you.

    if you have time,  would you consider helping those that follow, by listing your burning questions and logging your findings, as a newbie to the site?  links to postings you found, that sort of thing? It could well become a valuable resource to those in the same position as yourself.

    Enjoy your membership, and your voyage of discovery, and don't hesitate to ask questions of those who have already travelled the same road!

    Warmest regards


  • 10 Jan 2015 15:55
    Reply # 3187742 on 3187684
    Deleted user

    Hello Roger,

    Welcome and  Standby for an information rush!

    We can't do anything about your internet connection; but Arne Kverneland who has been instrumental in developing Cambered Panels for the Junk Rig, over several years, just happens to be making a sail for his Marieholm International Folkboat. He is providing a very comprehensive description from mast position and material to sail construction. I am sure that the reason that he hasn't been the first to reply on your post is that his sewing machine is demanding his full attention. I wager that you will be hearing from him before long.

    For a start I suggest you  see Here and Here

    Arne is a prolific creator and experimenter;  not just of ideas, but of actions . Go to Member's Area, Documents, Technical Articles then open Arne's Files; but before you do - book an extra long session in the library.

    Best wishes,


    Last modified: 10 Jan 2015 16:19 | Deleted user
  • 10 Jan 2015 12:53
    Message # 3187684
    Deleted user


    i am a new member to the JRA website, and will endeavor to try and read the various post on the site before asking any questions, however where i live has poor internet coverage, so its a once a week trip to the local libary, to get any sort of reliable connection ( power outages in winter permitting !

    i have purchased a wooden clinker built uk folkboat, which i intend to convert, once i figure out a sail plan, lenght and thickness of mast, and where to site the mast if required !



       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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