Benford 'Badger' rudder modifications

  • 23 Dec 2014 04:44
    Reply # 3174803 on 3174555
    Deleted user

    I think Benford changed his drawings since your rudder mod, Annie.

    Anyway, Ashiki has a balanced spade rudder, as per Benfords design. I think it would be better with a skeg, as the rudder does swing quite violently in bigger seas and skegs are supposed to calm it - so I'm told. Twice now we've had the tiller pilot ripped out of it's mounting points, need to beef up those mounts, or stop using the pilot in gales.

  • 23 Dec 2014 02:38
    Reply # 3174727 on 3174555
    I'm afraid I don't have the photos of Badger's original rudder available at the moment.  However, it was unprotected and the part below the bottom of the boat was swept back.  What this mean was that the centre of effort was well behind the pivot point and the rudder was essentially uncontrollable in anything of a breeze or sea.  We took it off and replaced it with a rudder that followed the line of the stern.  (This had to be done while the boat was in the water, as we happened to be in the Outer Hebrides at the time.)  The rudder worked very well but was, of course, very vulnerable, so when we next hauled the boat, we fitted a skeg in front of it.  They were perfectly satisfactory.

    If you look up my profile, you will see a photo showing the 'new' rudder.

  • 22 Dec 2014 21:12
    Message # 3174555
    Deleted user

    Has anyone documented any design/construction changes to the original design?  What were the issues behind the changes and did the changes work?  Links appreciated. 

       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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