The Hull no.1 was mainly meant as an exercise in using the QCAD program. Although this program was great for drawing sails, I found it to be a struggle to draw a boat with it. However, its limitations (read: my limitations with it) keeps me from drawing complicated lines which would be difficult to build. After all I had home-building in mind, and as far as I can remember, I never got better than a “Good” (= C?) in carpentry at school.
The design was to emulate the narrow and heavily ballasted Folkboat, but with a bit longer waterline. In addition, the trapeze sections and flaring topsides should give additional hull stability, so the ballast ratio was reduced to just below 50%. The Hull no.1 is still of moderate beam (2.1m in wl.), so I think it needs an outside, ballasted keel of some sort.
The keel I have drawn is only 1.10m deep with a horizontal sole. I thought it could be made from a flat steel plate with a flange at the top to fit with the hull, and with ballast from iron, lead or concrete (less good) bolted to the lower end. This keel may not be the fastest, but would make the boat easy to handle, both afloat and ashore. It will not need an expensive cradle when being laid up ashore, just a 'chain cradle' as the one I fitted to my ‘Ingeborg’, recently.
Any other keel type could be chosen, including one of 0.8m draft with a centreboard fitted inside it (no cb. trunk inside the hull).
The rudder is meant to be a big one, possibly deeper than the keel, and thus of some sort of swing-up type.