Buying a Junk in the UK

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  • 05 Feb 2015 05:23
    Reply # 3218149 on 3053839
    Well done Matt and well done Peter.  Once again the JRA has come up trumps.  It seems to me that Peter is a very thorough sort of bloke, so i reckon you will have got a good deal with Mariposa, Matt. 

    Peter: I'm told economies of scale can come into play if you make two boats rather than one ... ;-)

  • 04 Feb 2015 21:01
    Reply # 3217905 on 3053839
    Deleted user

    Wow, what an interesting topic. Well done Matt and Peter, deal done with no advertisement in sight !  I have been lurking for a year or so and now only work part time so I am starting to look for a junk rigged boat to buy in the UK.  I am looking for a bilge keel 23 to 28 footer that would be suitable for single handing, more or less ready to sail as I don't want to spend my sailing time in a boatyard. I just wondered if any members were thinking about letting their boat go, if so let me know. 

  • 04 Feb 2015 12:27
    Reply # 3217452 on 3053839

    I was very happy to pass ownership of Mariposa onto Matt.  I'm sure the three of them will have some great adventures together, and I look forward to reading about them.

    Some of you may be wandering why I sold her after doing so much work.  Well I'm currently back in China and working on two projects both of which are far more time consuming than first anticipated.  The end dates keep slipping and it became apparent I wasn't going to be back in the UK any time soon.  

    Plus the itch needs to be scratched.  I originally planned to sail back from China. Now I'm back here I want to do this more than ever.  So yes, David,  Sib Lim is looking like a very attractive preposition and what's more I now have a factory to build in :-)

    Watch this space.


  • 01 Feb 2015 18:04
    Reply # 3215256 on 3053839

    Welcome to the pleasure and the pain of boat ownership, Matt! More of the former, and less of the latter, I hope, as Peter has already completed the bulk of Mariposa's refit. Enjoy your first sail in her!

    Now, what'll Peter turn his hand to next? I've got a nice little project going that he might be interested in...

  • 01 Feb 2015 11:29
    Reply # 3215078 on 3053839
    Deleted user

    Thanks Chris & Ash,

    I'll get back to one and all when i have something to report.

    For now the dog and i are re-bonding, after her traumatic 21 hours in a tiny cage.


  • 01 Feb 2015 10:14
    Reply # 3215060 on 3053839
    Deleted user
    Just give me a shout Matt. I'd love a sail in Mariposa.
  • 01 Feb 2015 09:24
    Reply # 3215051 on 3053839
    Deleted user

    Well done Matt.

    Hope you , the dog and Mariposa have a good time.


  • 31 Jan 2015 16:57
    Reply # 3214784 on 3053839
    Deleted user

    Let me take this opportunity to tell my fellow JRA members that i am now the new owner or Mariposa!

    Peter Scandling and i have been corresponding for a few months and last Saturday i arrived in the UK, and on Sunday we met and did the deal, just before Peter had to fly back to China.

    If you've read Peter's installments in the JRA Mag you'll know that he has done all the hard stuff, the boat is in wonderful shape, all that's needed from me are some bits and pieces.

    I'll be keeping members posted as to progress, but in the coming weeks I'll just be concentrating on getting myself (and my dog) settled here in freezing Cornwall.

    The loose plan is to be sailing by spring, hopefully pottering about Europe for the summer.

    I believe Chris Galliene's China Girl is moored up the Tamar, so i hope to rope him into helping me with my first sail aboard Mariposa.

    More posts later (my internet connection is sporadic here at the marina (actually, using the phone's hotspot seems faster and more reliable!)) but for now i just wanted to log in and update the gang.



  • 12 Dec 2014 19:59
    Reply # 3169321 on 3098181
    Deleted user
    Patric A wrote:

    Personally I wouldn't buy a boat unseen. Get a proper survey and have the seller bear the cost in case you decide to buy. 

    Sorry, this is not normal! The buyer gets his own survey and pays for it in the UK This is in the nature of a private your eyes only document. 
  • 18 Sep 2014 14:23
    Reply # 3102175 on 3099621
    Deleted user
    Annie Hill wrote:
    Patric A wrote:

    Get a proper survey and have the seller bear the cost in case you decide to buy. 

    Good luck: I wouldn't pay for a survey report for someone who was interested in buying my boat!

    No luck needed, that's the usual arrangement around here. Certainly how I bought my last three boats my including my first junk from Robin Blain. If the seller disagreed that would be a strong reason for me to simply walk away and wish him good luck!
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       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
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