new sailing season

  • 06 Jul 2014 10:21
    Reply # 3038550 on 3038359
    Deleted user

    thank you, annie.

    sorry to hear!

    hope it'll get  better?

    though it's summer up here…

    since this season there's a new jr-boat in the bay… :–))

    and yes, i'll send a story if one happens! ;–))

  • 06 Jul 2014 05:24
    Reply # 3038505 on 3038359

    Not for us :-(  Fantail has been hauled out for the winter and I'm needing my wood burner to keep warm of a night!!  I hope you have a great summer getting to know your boat, and lots of good stories to send to the magazine!

  • 05 Jul 2014 18:32
    Message # 3038359
    Deleted user

    finally the new sailing saison may come…!


       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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