
  • 04 Jul 2014 14:45
    Reply # 3037859 on 3032130
    Deleted user

    Congratulations, Peter! Yea, another "odd-looking" boat comes online.

    It seems Albatross is the talk of the marina where she's berthed. Not only are sailboats in the minority there, but Alba is semi-unique on the Delaware. There's a Colvin Gazelle that does party tours further downriver at Philadelphia, but that's it.

    Fair winds, pleasant sailing, and do post some pics soon.


  • 04 Jul 2014 14:25
    Reply # 3037856 on 3032130
    Deleted user

    Sun, wind, what a lovely day for a maiden sail. Hope all went ok.

  • 03 Jul 2014 23:37
    Reply # 3037587 on 3032130

    Subscribed and waiting!

  • 03 Jul 2014 22:51
    Reply # 3037564 on 3032130

    JDS and Annie, thank you for your encouragement and kind words.  The sail is bent on and the weekend approaches.  I hope to take her out on Saturday.  I'm going to take some pictures of her sailing and also try to make a little video.

    I'll post the results here.


  • 03 Jul 2014 10:51
    Reply # 3037082 on 3032130

    She looks great in your 'avatar', Peter.  I bet you can't wait to try her out.  Congratulations, and another imminent BOTM, Mr Webmaster :-)

  • 27 Jun 2014 13:16
    Reply # 3032770 on 3032130

    BZ jds 

  • 26 Jun 2014 15:35
    Message # 3032130

    Well slightly later than anticipated, I finally launched 'Mariposa'.  She's sitting pretty well in her berth and she's dry:-)  Having enjoyed lots of balmy weather here over the last few weeks, right on cue the rains arrived and with it 5's and 6's so I'm waiting for things to calm down a bit before bending on the sail, and hoisting it.  Hopefully I'll get out for a sail over the weekend.  I'll let you know how she handles.

    I'll add some pictures to my gallery over the next few days.



       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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