Looking for online videos which could help in making a junk sail

  • 10 May 2014 09:07
    Reply # 1551262 on 1550268
    Deleted user
    Thank you all! Not showing how to make a junk sails but instructive anyway, as I never used a sewing machine.
  • 08 May 2014 19:38
    Reply # 1550551 on 1550268
    Deleted user
    This is a video of Jeckells making a genoa for Dylan Winter.  He writes about the process on his Blog.
  • 08 May 2014 09:19
    Reply # 1550287 on 1550268
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The videos from Sailrite are good in telling how to deal with the high stress in the corners of Bermuda sails. However, the stress in the corners of a junk sail is just a fraction of that, so actually those videos shows how not to do it when making a junksail.

    As long as the junksails are given a stout boltrope (rope or webbing), they seem to hold together well.

    Cheers, Arne

    Last modified: 08 May 2014 09:21 | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • 08 May 2014 09:02
    Reply # 1550284 on 1550268
    Deleted user
  • 08 May 2014 07:54
    Reply # 1550276 on 1550268
  • 08 May 2014 07:03
    Message # 1550268
    Deleted user
    Hi all,

    As an addition to Arne's chapter 5 "Making the sail", which is excellent, does anyone know of any online video clip which could help me making the sail? (sewing critical parts, camber etc.)

    Thanks in advance.


       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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