Converting my 6.60m Jeanneau "Love Love" into a junk this summer - Any help?

  • 05 May 2014 09:28
    Reply # 1547052 on 1546244


    If you are planning to come to the UK to do the conversion, can I suggest Plymouth as a base.  There are several active JRA members in the area and a variety of yards to haul out depending on your budget. 

    If you want more details then feel free to email me. 


  • 05 May 2014 08:00
    Reply # 1547038 on 1546244
    Deleted user
    Paul, Arne, thank you for your answers. Arne, I will take a look at the pdf now, thanks a lot!
  • 03 May 2014 19:32
    Reply # 1546682 on 1546244
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Hi Raphael


     Since I recently wrote about a quick way of designing a junk rig, first as a sketch and then a detailed sail plan, I found your request to be a fine exercise.

     If you go to my page, here,  and look under Letters, you will find the PDF-file about how I did it (“20140503 Junkrig for a Jeanneau 6.6m”).

     It was written in haste, so no doubt it contains a lot of writing errors and lousy English...

     Good luck,


    Last modified: 03 May 2014 19:34 | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • 03 May 2014 00:46
    Reply # 1546542 on 1546244
    Hi Raphael, have a look at my AeroJunk. Details in the last 3 newsletters. I have just posted a new design that can be scaled up/down in the Technical Illustrations section.
    Judging by the size of your main and jib areas and without working out your combined C/E, you might be able to put your new mast in the same position as your present one although the mast tube would come through the cabin top and into the bilges.
    I don't know what your boat looks like inside so you can decide if a 5" O/D (126mm) aluminium tube would work in that position.
    Paul McKay
  • 02 May 2014 10:47
    Message # 1546244
    Deleted user
    Hi all,

    I just acquired a 6.60m jeanneau "Love love" in Ouistreham (Normandy) two weeks ago, and would love to convert it into a junk this summer.

    As a complete newby about junk rigging, I would need help to choose characteristics of the mast, design structural changes (partners and steps position), design sail and line plan...

    I would not do the structural changes myself, but would like to make the sail myself, based on the sail design, also after someone shows me how to do it...

    As I want to be able to sail windward, I would go for a cambered HMA, after confirmation that this would be the right choice...

    Here are the characteristics of the boat:

    Would anyone suggest a strategy to do it? I could sail to England this summer.

    Thank you for your help


    [link made live - DT]

    Last modified: 02 May 2014 14:21 | Anonymous member
       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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