Boats that have been converted to junk (formerly 'list of boats')

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  • 15 Feb 2014 17:27
    Reply # 1498752 on 1498620
    Deleted user
    sounds like a plan, david… :-))
    Last modified: 15 Feb 2014 17:27 | Deleted user
  • 15 Feb 2014 16:15
    Reply # 1498716 on 1498620
    Yes, there's a list on the Junk Information/Knowledge Archive page - Fact Sheet 5. It's way out of date, now, I suspect, and certainly is heavily biassed towards the UK and European designs. How about taking on an update, as a "Join In" project?
  • 15 Feb 2014 12:08
    Message # 1498620
    Deleted user
    my li'l boat was junk-rigged by default.
    yet i've noticed that many boats were and can be converted.
    is there any list of boats which already were converted – or a list of boats which are qualified and suitable for a conversion, and which aren't?
    Last modified: 17 Mar 2014 23:46 | Deleted user
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       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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