Video links to members boats! (Was Request for videos of members' boats)

  • 26 Jan 2014 15:06
    Reply # 1483366 on 1453485


    You should get a DVD from Norway, unless someone in the postal services mistakes it from being Scandinavian porn. They will have a chill from it though.


  • 25 Jan 2014 23:04
    Reply # 1483103 on 1482797
    Lesley Verbrugge wrote:Hi everyone,

    Back in circulation again with Bali a fast fading memory :o(

    Many thanks to all who have sent Footage nothing has arrived yet, but I'm not unduly worried at this stage!

    Can't wait to see your boats and see what I can put together!!


    Hi Lesley.  I would have thought my DVD would be there by now.  If it does not arrive in the next two weeks let me know and I will send it again via registered mail.
  • 25 Jan 2014 20:12
    Reply # 1483017 on 1453485
    Deleted user
    Hi Lesley. Welcome back. Don't forget to check out Members' Area > Google Junks where there's a link to Google's videos of junks.
  • 25 Jan 2014 11:14
    Reply # 1482797 on 1453485
    Deleted user
    Hi everyone,

    Back in circulation again with Bali a fast fading memory :o(

    Many thanks to all who have sent Footage nothing has arrived yet, but I'm not unduly worried at this stage!

    Can't wait to see your boats and see what I can put together!!

  • 22 Jan 2014 21:25
    Reply # 1480973 on 1453485
    Deleted user
    Great video, David. Thanks for letting us all see Tystie at play. Very reassuring to the the planet really is round :-)
  • 22 Jan 2014 03:43
    Reply # 1480493 on 1480371
    David Tyler wrote:Talking on about junk rig and soft wing sails has spurred me on to upload some footage that I took whilst crossing the Tasman Sea in October 2011:
    Poor quality, I regret to say, because I'm on a very slow marina WiFi.

    Excellent video David, I found the quality quite acceptable.  I have always been fascinated by Tystie so it was good to take a peek.  I still live in hope that one day you will find the time to write a long article about your latest rig, in particular what you learned about handling it during the long passage up the Pacific, and the reasons behind your intention to remove some of the camber from the sail.  Those of us who sail more timidly in your wake could benefit from your hard-earned wisdom.
  • 21 Jan 2014 23:08
    Reply # 1480371 on 1453485
    Talking on about junk rig and soft wing sails has spurred me on to upload some footage that I took whilst crossing the Tasman Sea in October 2011:
    Poor quality, I regret to say, because I'm on a very slow marina WiFi.

  • 19 Jan 2014 15:42
    Reply # 1478241 on 1453485
    Deleted user
    all i have can be found here
  • 16 Jan 2014 22:29
    Reply # 1476623 on 1453485
    Deleted user
    Ketil, yes, use the same address. Lesley is only away for a few days.
  • 16 Jan 2014 18:03
    Reply # 1476408 on 1453485

    I made it!!! I managed to upload some video footage to a CD! Same adress?


    Ketil Greve

       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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