Smallest junk in the world

  • 06 Sep 2023 10:26
    Reply # 13250631 on 13250603
    Anonymous wrote:

    Beautiful. It looks like Arne's Halibut rig? What is the sail area?

    (Herb's Puddle Puck Peking Duck's sail is a whopping 62 sq ft. By comparison, I believe the Optimist sprit sail is 35 sq ft. I haven't found out the size of the sail on Kirill's inflatable trimaraft yet).

    The sail area is about half what it could be. I've no idea of the numbers. The battens are 2.1m I think, made as per Arne's idea that mast and sail bundle would fit in the boat. It doesn't. The battens don't fall on top of each other perfectly so the bundle ends up too long. So, the sail could have been made bigger and a longer mast used. It actually works surprisingly well but is just too small to ever need reefing. It's not in use since its trip to the Morbihan junket but we might take it to the upper reaches of the river Shannon in October. 
  • 06 Sep 2023 06:13
    Reply # 13250603 on 13248736
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Beautiful. It looks like Arne's Halibut rig? What is the sail area?

    (Herb's Puddle Puck Peking Duck's sail is a whopping 62 sq ft. By comparison, I believe the Optimist sprit sail is 35 sq ft. I haven't found out the size of the sail on Kirill's inflatable trimaraft yet).

    Last modified: 06 Sep 2023 06:55 | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • 04 Sep 2023 17:39
    Reply # 13249915 on 13248736

    Skib our Malcolm Goodwin Toad Pram, 7 foot 8 inches.

    1 file
  • 01 Sep 2023 09:20
    Reply # 13248831 on 13248736

    Hello Graeme,

    Form follows function?

    The screenshot attachment below is a boat I saw whilst StreetViewing around Ukraine. I liked it, because its form seem to hark back to the country's Rus (Viking) founders. 


    1 file
  • 01 Sep 2023 00:57
    Message # 13248736
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    I had a bit of correspondence recently with Kirill (Bumblebee – see July “Boat of the Month") and he sent me this photo of a Puddle Duck with a junk rig.

    (The Puddle Duck (Wikepedia) is “A Puddle Duck Racer or PD Racer is an 8 foot long, 4 foot wide, 16 inch high, spec series, racing sailboat. It is a one design hull shape with wide options in other areas. Billed as "the easiest sailboat in the world to build", the scow hull is a simple box, usually built of plywood.”  Should have been featured in the JRA dinghy design competition!)

    Anyway, I thought it might be the smallest junk rig on record, so far.

    Then Kirill replied with this photo of his trimaran, which he junk-rigged as a prototype for Bumblee’s rig - and later used it as "a technology demonstrator" at local messabouts.

    Is this the smallest actually sailing junk rig ?

    Can anyone top these?

    Last modified: 05 Apr 2024 02:06 | Anonymous member (Administrator)
       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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