A new sail for Bugsy

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  • 05 Jan 2024 05:00
    Reply # 13297335 on 13202628

    Thanks Len and Arne,

    Im sure I didn’t break any new ground but if it spurs someone on to enjoy a similar project that will be great.

    I had a sail in 15 to 20 knots of breeze the other day, an offshore so typically gusty and swinging. I reefed down 2 panels and I don’t need to tell anyone how easy that was. The boat handled beautifully with a nice firm helm and still pointed quite well.

  • 02 Jan 2024 11:08
    Reply # 13295903 on 13202628
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    I surely am happy to read that your sailmaking project went well and that it resulted in a well-performing sail. I still, after almost 30 years with cambered panel junk rigs, marvel over how well they perform.


    Here is a video clip of my Ingeborg from July, last year, with a sail that is quite similar to Bugsy's. We are beam-reaching at 6.0 knots in a moderate breeze (10knots?)  -  me jabbering into the camera, and mate Gøran at the tiller, with his usual “6-knots grin”.
    Ingeborg’s hull speed with 6.05m wl. is only 6.0 knots, so 6.5-6.8knots is as much as I get out of her.


    Last modified: 03 Jan 2024 07:21 | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • 02 Jan 2024 07:14
    Reply # 13295871 on 13295843
    Anonymous wrote:

    I have made a file giving the story of my sail making and will attach some pictures which may be of interest to folks planning the same adventure. This will be subject to my lack of digital skill

    Thank you. I learn something new from every project I read about.
  • 02 Jan 2024 03:39
    Reply # 13295843 on 13202628

    I have made a file giving the story of my sail making and will attach some pictures which may be of interest to folks planning the same adventure. This will be subject to my lack of digital skill

    8 files
  • 15 Dec 2023 13:24
    Reply # 13291327 on 13202628

    Hi Kevin, 

    Im sorry we didn’t catch you. I reckon I saw the same boat out sailing near Garden Island a couple of years ago. If you are ever down Bunbury way let me know and come out for a sail. I’m hoping to anchor at Quindalup for a few weeks in January, bring the paradox down and we can sail around Natualiste in company. That would be great as we seem to comprise the west Australian junk rigged fleet. Love the boat.


  • 13 Dec 2023 11:42
    Reply # 13290428 on 13281964
    Deleted user
    Anonymous wrote:

    Thankyou Graeme, what a great video. My wife and I hope to get back to NZ early next year focusing on Northland. When I googled the river, a Bay of Plenty website came up and those same boats featured in a cover pic, amazing. The boat being towed looks like a Paradox and by coincidence someone came through Donnybrook last week towing one. Heading for the south coast of WA where there is lots of suitable sailing. Thanks again for the encouragement, actually I have had nothing but good comments from sailors at Koombana Bay SC in spite of being an old codger with a funny boat. I’m looking forward to lots of sailing this summer and may venture around Cape Naturaliste.

    Hi Alex, The Paradox in Donnybrook was me. We had just spent 4 days at Wellington Dam and were visiting friends there before heading home. It was the same Paradox as the BOTM, Skye (formerly Planktos)
  • 21 Nov 2023 16:25
    Reply # 13282144 on 13282011
    Anonymous wrote:

    The boat being towed is indeed a Paradox and that was me

    Ah, another Pardox, I was thinking the 38ish foot one. This one looks like a wonderful little boat and towing it makes a lot more sense.

    Ok off topic for the thread, no more comments.
  • 21 Nov 2023 08:01
    Reply # 13282011 on 13202628
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Hi Alex, yes it's the Uretara River at Katikati, in the Bay of Plenty. The boat being towed is indeed a Paradox and that was me towing it. (The video was a clip from a cruise in company, here if you want to look at it).

    Here's another one. They seem to like Farr 6000s there.

    Last modified: 21 Nov 2023 08:16 | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • 21 Nov 2023 02:53
    Reply # 13281964 on 13202628

    Thankyou Graeme, what a great video. My wife and I hope to get back to NZ early next year focusing on Northland. When I googled the river, a Bay of Plenty website came up and those same boats featured in a cover pic, amazing. The boat being towed looks like a Paradox and by coincidence someone came through Donnybrook last week towing one. Heading for the south coast of WA where there is lots of suitable sailing. Thanks again for the encouragement, actually I have had nothing but good comments from sailors at Koombana Bay SC in spite of being an old codger with a funny boat. I’m looking forward to lots of sailing this summer and may venture around Cape Naturaliste.

  • 21 Nov 2023 02:41
    Reply # 13281961 on 13202628

    Thankyou Scott, I found the sailmaking challenging and engrossing by the time I finished and almost new what I was doing I was ready to go right on and make another.

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