Richard Faux's pre-build junk model

  • 11 Jun 2013 07:21
    Reply # 1314331 on 1314082
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Stavanger, Tuesday

    Richard, I agree with Paul.

    Rule no one is that the halyard should not be attached much forward of the middle of the yard. or the sail will misbehave badly when setting and lowering (being tail-heavy). The best is on the middle or just a bit aft of the middle.

    Rule number two is to avoid that the halyard angle gets wider than about 30° out from vertical with the sail fully hoisted, or you will need to haul very hard on the upper luff hauling parrel. This could lead to chafe on the mast and lots of unnecessary stress on the yard.

    To avoid these problems, you have the choice between raising the yard angle, making the masts taller or increasing the balance. As you can see on my signature photo to the left, I have raised the yard to 70° and cut the mast short (it could well have been 20cm taller). This lets me keep the balance below 15% to reduce distortion of the camber when sailing on the port tack.

    Good luck! Arne

    PS: Finally, I advise on making the sails with nearly the same area in each panel, or with a bit smaller panels in the top section. The top section is the storm sail, you know.


  • 11 Jun 2013 02:52
    Reply # 1314190 on 1314082
    Not to be negative, but I'd strongly advise Richard to revise his plans for his rig. A van Loan style sail with such little balance is very difficult to get to set well.

    I did a van Loan rig for Aphrodite with quit a bit more balance than Richard's model shows and it was a battle to get the sails to set properly. A flat sail will be easier to make work but you are still going to struggle.

    Balance and yard angle are very tightly related. Low yard angles need a lot of balance and high yard angles a lot less. You can prove this to yourself by building a stick and string model of the proposed sail.

  • 11 Jun 2013 00:27
    Message # 1314082
    Deleted user
    New member Richard Faux has posted some great pictures of models of his junk design in the Photo Gallery. Richard, thanks for doing that, and welcome to the JRA. Why not tell us more about her here?
    Last modified: 11 Jun 2013 00:29 | Deleted user
       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
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