Crib is 40' 1979 GRP Junk Schooner.
Third party cover of £5,000,000 (raised from 3,000,000 to comply with Italian requirements, by Pantaenius with no change to our premium) costs us £95 per year - it costs more if there's no hull insurance contract.
Hull incl inventory etc on a value of £40,000, is £2500 per year. AFter no claims bonus this is £1596 which we pay monthly with no surcharge.
There is a deductible of £2,500 per claim.
Our permitted cruising area is between 20N and 10S and between 90E and 160E degrees.
There is no requirement for extra crew aboard for passages and Rene was accepted on the basis of RYA Day skipper certificate and our logged hours.
They required a survey, cover and premium were lower during refit stage.
We chose Pantaenius because we were in Hong Kong, with no UK residential address and although our home is in France, french companies would only insure french registered boats. Crib is registered in Guernsey and British flagged. The company is international with a reputation for sorting claims out in a timely and efficient way. communications via emails with staff have been good.