Sprayhoods and cockpit tents for Kingfisher 20+ and similar small boats

  • 23 Feb 2013 18:03
    Reply # 1224755 on 1213058
    Deleted user
    thank you very much, indeed! 
  • 21 Feb 2013 19:15
    Reply # 1223400 on 1213058
    You could try www.martexmarine.com. My Corribee sprayhood has been hard wearing. Martex seem to be very competitively priced, and are very decent to deal with.
    Last modified: 21 Feb 2013 19:15 | Anonymous member
  • 21 Feb 2013 18:06
    Reply # 1223308 on 1213058
    Deleted user
    good idea…
    thank you!
  • 20 Feb 2013 15:51
    Reply # 1213247 on 1213058
    Deleted user
    Search our boat database in Members Area > Directories > Members Boats for 'Kingfisher' - 18 members have Kingfishers. Feel free to email them as not all will read these posts.

    As suggested elsewhere, George, try the KYOA who will know places to get them; check their site to get some idea of styles and fitting methods.
    Last modified: 20 Feb 2013 15:55 | Deleted user
  • 20 Feb 2013 09:35
    Message # 1213058
    Deleted user
    i'm thinking about a sprayhood (and a cockpit tent) for the kingfisher 20+ jr.
    not sure where to get them – maybe eve used.
    any suggestions?
    Last modified: 20 Feb 2013 15:56 | Deleted user
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