As members know, as from the December 2012 Special General Meeting the organisation of a junk rig rally or cruise may be organsed by a member or members of the JRA or by non members. It may be attended by members or the JRA and by non-members. It may include boats of members and non members. It may take place anywhere in the world whenever two or more 'junkies' decide to get together with their boats.
We've uploaded a pdf [832 Kb] of the information and advice that the Association is making available to people who wish to organise rallies, or to offer their services to members or non-members wishing to crew or find crew, or to offer or enjoy a junk familiarisation sail.
The document was written by Jonathan Snodgrass and edited and approved by the Committee. It isn't fixed in stone, and we welcome constructive suggestions. Please post any comments below.