First sail for Flutterby as a junk!

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  • 30 Jan 2013 00:22
    Reply # 1192867 on 1188288
    Deleted user
    Barry & Meps / Stellrecht & Schulte wrote:But don't get in too much of a rush to package it up.
    D who does everything has already packaged it up for the site and it will be in Issue 62 of the mag. No problem if you revise it as we can easily replace what's on the site and put the revision in the mag.
  • 29 Jan 2013 03:25
    Reply # 1192002 on 1159448
    Another happy junkie.  It must be great, for those struggling with re-rigging or building boats, to read these success stories.  Well done B&M.  Hope you have lots more great sailing to tell us about.
  • 25 Jan 2013 20:35
    Reply # 1189440 on 1187518
    Deleted user
    Gary Pick wrote:Wonderful news and well done!
    I couldn't help noticing this bit "That first hoist, though, things went wrong. As the third sail panel started to go up, Barry realized that the yard-hauling parrel* was fouled** by the topping lift***, so the yard couldn’t go up all the way.", as I have the same problem. Easily solved in my case though.

    and we have that problem too. I'll tell you the story some time

    I've downloaded your article and will find out more later, but just wanted to add my congratulations she looks beautiful

  • 25 Jan 2013 01:35
    Reply # 1188288 on 1159448
    Deleted user
    I'm glad to hear that people appreciate the write-up. (I'm always proud of how well my wife writes. Sometimes I do OK myself, but I can't take the credit here!)

    But don't get in too much of a rush to package it up. There is a companion piece talking about our first week of sailing....And both of them are written mostly aimed at people who wouldn't recognize a yard hauling parrel if they tripped over one, and might not even know what a halyard is. So a different edit is more appropriate here, and I believe Meps will be working on it soon.

    We'll put up a link when we finish writing more.
  • 25 Jan 2013 01:30
    Reply # 1188284 on 1187164
    Deleted user
    Brian Kerslake wrote:Well done, B & M. Great to see you afloat. Might have been quicker if you'd bought my old boat, though :-)

    Yup, it would have been quicker to buy Matanie! :) Heck, it might have been quicker to build from a pile of plywood. But we've got a sailboat now, and that is what matters!
  • 24 Jan 2013 04:38
    Reply # 1187518 on 1159448
    Wonderful news and well done!
    I couldn't help noticing this bit "That first hoist, though, things went wrong. As the third sail panel started to go up, Barry realized that the yard-hauling parrel* was fouled** by the topping lift***, so the yard couldn’t go up all the way.", as I have the same problem. Easily solved in my case though.
  • 23 Jan 2013 23:32
    Reply # 1187339 on 1159448
    Deleted user
    In that case, if B & M agree, I'll package it up as a pdf and push it onto the site as a New Article. Unless, er, the happy twosome would like to do it and send it in?
    Last modified: 23 Jan 2013 23:32 | Deleted user
  • 23 Jan 2013 21:30
    Reply # 1187211 on 1187155
    Jonathan Snodgrass wrote:

    A beautiful write up.  (Is the Mag  Ed aware yet?)

    Well done.


    He is now. He can't fit it into issue 61, unfortunately, but he will file it for next time.

    [Aw, heck, I haven't even got issue 61 off the stocks yet, and already stuff is coming in for issue 62 ]
    Last modified: 23 Jan 2013 21:38 | Anonymous member
  • 23 Jan 2013 20:46
    Reply # 1187164 on 1159448
    Deleted user
    Well done, B & M. Great to see you afloat. Might have been quicker if you'd bought my old boat, though :-)
  • 23 Jan 2013 20:31
    Reply # 1187155 on 1159448

    A beautiful write up.  (Is the Mag  Ed aware yet?)

    Well done.


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