An Interesting video and some photos (traditional junks)

  • 12 Sep 2012 22:31
    Reply # 1070854 on 1069498
    Deleted user
    Thanks, Paul. I'll add those links to the public Junk Info pages in a mo' so that they'll still be visible when your post has 'slipped' down the forum. Cheers. Brian.
  • 11 Sep 2012 11:05
    Message # 1069498
    Hi Guys,

    This is a stripped down video that pulls just the interesting (to me) watercraft of this 1973 Shanghai political documentary. The full video is under 'Michael Rogue' and 'Shanghai 1973'. The original poster deleted the distracting voice and run some of it in slow motion to help us see what's really is going on. Notice all the sails, even shredded ones, are not flat.
    Lots of yuloh action too. Youtube link:

    Also see Robert Parish Sampan and JunkRig Albums

    This was originally posted on the Yahoo junkrig forum but I think it may be of interest to JRA members as well.
    Last modified: 11 Sep 2012 11:15 | Anonymous member
       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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