Great write up as always Arne, I’ve replied here to avoid thread drift.
“However, I have now tried her in ’30°-conditions’, and it seems that the endplates pay back here: As the heel increases from 20 to 30°, there is hardly any need for more tiller input. The “I suggest you reef”-signals from the boat didn’t show up, so I could keep driving the boat harder and faster.”
You now have me tempted to try endplates on my rudder.
As the SJR is such a powerful sail, weather helm can become quite vicious quite quickly in a gust.- It would be good to have a little more rudder bite in reserve..
The subject of endplates on rudders got me thinking-
Sailcatchers are an integral part of Split Junk Rig to tame the jiblets when reefed, but are optional on other rigs.
Is it possible that a Sailcatcher will also act like a rudder endplate and reduce turbulant airflow spilling below the sail, thus aiding performance ?
Has anyone tried a sail with and without sailcatcher ?