Tacking problems ..YARL SAILS

  • 09 Aug 2012 00:51
    Reply # 1042296 on 1041798
    Deleted user

    Chris - I don't think the 'ewe' problem is the one you are really wanting a solution to, but it is the easier one to address.

    Another approach, at least in Word, OpenOffice or Notepad , is to press and hold ALT while typing 0117 on the numeric keypad for a 'u', and 0085 for a 'U'.  This inserts an ascii character as you let go of the ALT key, and can be used for accented letters and many other symbols.  I will leave you to look up all the other codes on Google.

    I just tried it in this reply window - ALT+0085 works for U, but with ALT+0117 Internet Explorer tries to leave the current page.  One out of two ain't bad, I suppose.

    Then again you could open notepad, type in uU using the ALT method, select both and copy them to the clipboard using CTRL+C, insert them both where you want using CTRL+V, and then delete the one you don't want.

    Do I get the sweeties yet?


  • 08 Aug 2012 22:19
    Reply # 1042233 on 1041798
    Deleted user
    Or yse the Windows' on-screen keyboard for yoyr 'y's. Search Windows Help for 'on-screen keyboard' :-)
  • 08 Aug 2012 22:03
    Reply # 1042225 on 1041798
    Chris get yourself a standard USB keyboard and plug that into the laptop. It will solve your ewe problem.:)
  • 08 Aug 2012 12:10
    Message # 1041798
    Deleted user

    PS Still no ewe key on laptop so ysing Y .....

    Thanks to everyone for the advice... My actions: I will rake the mast fyrther aft (I moved it forward a bit when I made new wedges)... I like Arne's idea aboyt altering the rydder: brilliant concept (down for a winter jobbie!!) and will faff aroynd with the sails/lyff parrels .....

    YARL Sail (i.e. a wee mast 'n sail over the stern) ... I have seen pictyres of 'proper' chineese jynks and this seems to be the norm on them, jynks also they have lots of 'top hamper' at the stern like my boat.... is this another possible improvement?

    So my  qyestions are:  Has anyone ysed this type of arrangement... was it any good? for example: wooyld it help make the boat steady? (a good thing in my case!!)... improve the steering?  woyld it improve tacking (or gybe) ? i.e. is it a bit like having a jib on the back.; pysh at the back rather than a pll on the front?

    Thoyghts and advice please (a bag of sweeties to the best response?!!!)

       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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