Chris - I don't think the 'ewe' problem is the one you are really wanting a solution to, but it is the easier one to address.
Another approach, at least in Word, OpenOffice or Notepad , is to press and hold ALT while typing 0117 on the numeric keypad for a 'u', and 0085 for a 'U'. This inserts an ascii character as you let go of the ALT key, and can be used for accented letters and many other symbols. I will leave you to look up all the other codes on Google.
I just tried it in this reply window - ALT+0085 works for U, but with ALT+0117 Internet Explorer tries to leave the current page. One out of two ain't bad, I suppose.
Then again you could open notepad, type in uU using the ALT method, select both and copy them to the clipboard using CTRL+C, insert them both where you want using CTRL+V, and then delete the one you don't want.
Do I get the sweeties yet?