AYRS Zoom Meeting Sat 13 Nov 2021

  • 12 Nov 2021 17:47
    Message # 12122229
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The JRA is linked with the Amateur Yacht Research Society, thus we can attend their meetings.  I have had the following from them:

    Saturday 13th November Zoom meeting

    Our Zoom meeting for November will start at 2:30 pm London time, not our usual time!

    The meeting will be broadcast from our 'real' meeting at the Basingstoke Canal Centre .... We will aim for a Zoom broadcast of about one hour and within this period we will attempt to show one or two members projects with remote members being included in questions and discussion.  This is experimental, at least for our Society it is, so I hope that members will bear with us if we have problems, technical or otherwise.  It should be good practice for our AGM which we plan to broadcast by Zoom while also holding it ‘face to face’ for those who are local to the meeting venue.

    This is the link to join our meeting on Saturday 13 November at 2:30pm
    (London time):


    You should not need the ID and passcode if you join using the link.

    The plan is to broadcast the meeting on Saturday from our 'real' meeting
    which will be taking place in Surrey UK, hence the time in the afternoon
    rather than in the evening.


    Last modified: 13 Nov 2021 07:12 | Anonymous member (Administrator)
       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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