It is with much trepidation that I am taking my Pango to a boatyard of a friend of mine works at next month, here in Auckland, to finally deal with the hoary chestnut that has been eating away at me.
I say trepidation, as I know from experience of refitting two small boats, that rabbit holes can appear, and bank balances can be drained. Hopefully the repair is straightforward and I can once again have utmost faith in my boat.
I have attached a close up pic of the hull deck joint of a Canadian Contessa that I found on the all but defunct Canadian Contessa website. My idea is to glass in the hull/deck joint (including counter-sinking and filling all rub-rail / toe-rail screw holes) after digging and picking and removing all traces of old sealant.
Apparently on Canadian Contessa's of my vintage, the hull/deck attachment was accomplished with 3/8" rivets. I don't plan to remove these if that does prove to be the case, just remove and fill in all the rub-rail / toe-rail screw holes.
Any thoughts welcome. And, yes, I'm back.
Cheers in advance for any tips.