Shortly after the notes on the SJR first appeared on the JRA website I was in a private correspondence with a member about drawing camber curves, and as an 'off the cuff' method I suggested drawing an arc centred on a line drawn perpendicular to the mean chord line below the max camber point, and drawn through the luff, max camber point and back to the mean chord line, before adding a tangent from the arc to the leech. This was a possible way to get a consistent curve which would give an adequate and acceptable curve. This was further developed to draw the tangent from the arc to a point at about 95% chord and rounding of the aft end with a slight reflexed curve to the leech to make sure there would be no drag producing cupping in this area.
I remember trying to calculate the radius of the arc for differing camber depths to simplify the process though didn't complete it. David T's three point arc is exactly the same as an arc with max camber point at 40% will strike the chord line at 2 x 40 =80% chord.
This method does produce a workable result, though I personally prefer a slightly tighter curve near the luff.
Unfortunately this arc/tangent idea was not included in Appendix 5 of the SJR notes (which is rather waffley and needs to be re-written), although it does mention the slight reflex towards the leech.
Appendix 5 does have a small comment on the use of spline and the potential problem of not supporting them in the correct places.
The photo shows a spline being used to draw a curve during the making of the Amiina Mk 2 rig. NB. The straight 'chord line' seen in the photo has been off-set to include a provision for a batten pocket and hem allowance. The actual mean chord line can just be seen by the second tin from the right.
The paper is a roll of lining wall paper, the spline is a 25 x 5 mm cross section wooden batten and the weights are full tins of paint. The one at the luff, on the right in the photo is positioned well forward of the actual luff to allow the curve to run to the luff. The second from the right is at the max camber position and the third one is placed to make sure that the batten bends round the max position correctly, and doesn't have a deeper camber elsewhere. The one on the left is positioned well beyond the leech and bends the batten with a very slight reflex to make sure the sail is flat towards the leech. If I remember correctly the depth of camber was taken from the Round & Broadseam spreadsheet and was used for the main panels.
Unfortunately such a spline does not give enough camber right at the luff of the angled shelf foot jib panels. Camber curves in the jibs are under constant review and the dust has not settled on the latest thinking. There are a couple of ideas floating around but no one has been persuaded to gamble (yet).
Perhaps this will cloud the issue a little more??
Cheers, Slieve.