Stavanger, Tuesday
This is a very important thread which hopefully, rapidly will lead us up the ladder of knowledge on scantlings. It shows a very serious shortcoming of the PJR book:
1. Sail area and LAP alone defines the scantlings of the mast(s). No mentioning (?) of compensating for varying displacement.
2. Sail shape and size alone defines the scantlings of the (wooden) yard, battens and boom.
On light boats with big sails (Malena, Johanna) this would have lead to over-heavy masts, so I ended up modifying the formula to write the boat’s displacement indirectly into it (see my write-up "Chapter 6, The Mast")
The same happened to the yard: A PJR yard in wood turned out to be a heavy monster on Johanna, so it was replaced with a braced aluminium yard. The battens and boom (5.8m +10cm) all started as 50mm diameter, 1.5mm wall tubes of ordinary aluminium. I noticed that the long batten no. 2 (6.3m long, the top sheeted) "pumped" a bit in a F5. In a make-it-or-break-it sail (F6), downwind with full sail, a weld in the yard broke and batten no. 2 was bent. The yard was repaired with better welds and the bent batten was replaced with one of double strength by going for 3.2mm wall (still 50mm diameter). No problems after that.
It’s a pity I don’t have the dimensions of the 23ton "Samson"s battens here, but I know they are a lot heavier than those on "Pacific Spray", on Ron Glas or on Ti Gitu. Despite carrying only 37sqm in her fore sail, Samson’s fore mast is 28cm, solid wood, versus 25cm hollow spruce on Johanna’s 48sqm sail.
Conclusion, so far:
We need a new folder on this website, called boat, rig and sail database, or something, where each member (in a .doc or .pdf format) can write up their own boat(s) in dry numbers and with comments on how the components have stood up in use. Personally I would also like to see a listing of parrels and sheets used, and how – but that’s me... Until The Formula of Everything is ready (Einstein failed to find it), this database would be a tremendous help for people who want to fit or improve a junkrig. Just by looking up boats of similar displacement and rig type in that database, they would soon be able to lash up a good rig without too much wild guessing on scantlings.
PS: Did any of this text get hidden outside the edge?