• 20 Mar 2020 17:46
    Reply # 8845388 on 7155071

    Nice to see you making good use of your house, nice mast too ;)

    regards, Rudolf

  • 19 Mar 2020 09:36
    Reply # 8841656 on 7155071
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Great, Frederik!
    This hull shape will make the best use of the plywood. I never understood the idea of buying those wide sheets of plywood, and then slicing them up in narrow strips, AND THEN glue them back together to emulate round-bottom lapstrake designs.
    Single chine or double chine makes most sense to me when building in plywood, aluminium or steel.

    Good luck!

  • 19 Mar 2020 08:52
    Reply # 8841598 on 7155071

    Bulkheads done & mast arrived. 

    Will be setting up soon and see if I did it right....

    3 files
  • 14 Feb 2020 15:35
    Reply # 8747298 on 7155071

    Scantlings mizzen mast. 

    I have bought the CF mast recently for sale here at JRA. I’ll be using the top 44 ft and the specs look good for that section.  So that problem is solved.

    As for the mizzen mast.. I’m not quite sure as how to calculate the specs for that one. 

    5,5 - 6 meters total length  carrying  a small 9 sqm sail. 

    I’m thinking of calculating strength based on sail area. 

    9sqmx 7,5 kg/sqm  wind force = 67,5

    3 meters up the mast. 202,5

    safety factor 3 = 606 say 650 kNm

    I’m thinking of an alu pole of 120 mm diameter at partners tapering to 70 mm. Wall thickness 3 mm

    Anyone want to chime in..?

  • 13 Jan 2020 19:18
    Reply # 8562463 on 7155071

    Not quite.

    Most Lumber for frames, stringers & such, I got (Douglas)

    12mm Sapele for bulkheads and first layer of planking I´ve got too

    12 mm Fir ply for outer layers of planking and bottom of hull I´ll get when I get there..

  • 13 Jan 2020 18:41
    Reply # 8562165 on 8561740
    Frederik wrote:


    HFJY34 in the making...

    I have been waiting eagerly for updates. Does this photo show all the lumber you will use?

    Thank you for sharing.

  • 13 Jan 2020 17:37
    Reply # 8561740 on 7155071

    Been a while as I had problems with uploading files from Iphone/Ipad.

    Seems to work from PC.

    HFJY34 in the making...

    2 files
    Last modified: 13 Jan 2020 17:44 | Anonymous member
  • 08 Oct 2019 19:08
    Reply # 7923235 on 7155071

    I know where to find you Tony...

  • 08 Oct 2019 08:44
    Reply # 7922376 on 7155071

    Good luck with the build Frederik

  • 07 Oct 2019 11:10
    Reply # 7920814 on 7155071

    Hi Annie. The same here...

       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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