Puddle Junk

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  • 29 Aug 2018 08:23
    Reply # 6643979 on 6642902

    Hi, Scott, nice looking sail.  

    I'd say do the easiest thing first.  Try moving the leeboard forward first, if that's the easiest thing to do.  The leeboard does look a long way behind the sail and mast.    

    Although I've only sailed my Split-Rig Wayfarer 3 times, I experienced the same result of not being able to go to windward until I realized the the centreboard was popping back up (and rearward) due to the centreboard friction brake being banjaxed.

    When I tied the centreboard down, windward progress was made.  As soon as the board popped back up and the CLR came rearward, the bow got pushed to leeward. 

     Best of luck with it.

    Dave D

  • 28 Aug 2018 23:30
    Reply # 6643462 on 6642902

    It looks like the sail should have been quite a bit wider to balance, maybe a small mizzen sail to bring the balance aft?

    Bill F

  • 28 Aug 2018 19:07
    Message # 6642902

    After more hours of work than I would like to admit I now have a PDRacer hull and something that I think resembles junk rig.

    I took the whole thing down to the boat launch about 2 weeks ago. The good news is the that boat appears to be completely watertight and the first trial absolutely could have gone worse. But things did not go as well as I had thought

    I need some help getting the boat to sail. I expected I would be able to slowly make some amount of progress to windward and then head downwind back to the launch. But the best I could ever do was sail on a beam reach. Even then I would need to have the tiller pushed over to the leeward side of the boat to prevent it from turning down wind.

    I am planning to move the leeboard significantly further forward. I hope this will resolve most of the problem but I have this feeling that I made too many mistakes making the sail and it will need to be redone.

    Does anyone have any thoughts based on the photo attached? Will moving the leeboard be enough for me to be able to make some progress into the wind, or do I need to make significant changes to the rig?

    Thanks in advance for any help.


    1 file
    Last modified: 28 Aug 2018 19:08 | Anonymous member
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       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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