A 7 metre variant of SibLim

  • 05 Apr 2018 08:17
    Reply # 6017341 on 6017340
    Nicholas Head wrote:
    Graeme Kenyon wroteea of a family of these boats, based on the design of Annie's boat is immensely appealing and who knows, might one day be a landmark in the history of cruising boat design. I do think it is that good. I seriously hope that the innovative SibLim design will be followed by some other family members
    m  HERE, HERE!

    And even more so to see these Sib family yachts matched up with their junk rigged tenders.

    Well, yes, Graeme.  You're quite correct, of course.  I, too, should love to see some big and little sisters to my boat.

    And, of course, even as I write, John Welsford is working on the prototype that he has designed specifically to be a junk-rigged tender to JRA boats.

  • 05 Apr 2018 08:08
    Reply # 6017340 on 6017068
    Deleted user
    Graeme Kenyon wroteea of a family of these boats, based on the design of Annie's boat is immensely appealing and who knows, might one day be a landmark in the history of cruising boat design. I do think it is that good. I seriously hope that the innovative SibLim design will be followed by some other family members
    m  HERE, HERE!

    And even more so to see these Sib family yachts matched up with their junk rigged tenders.

  • 05 Apr 2018 01:44
    Reply # 6017068 on 6010674
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    A sibling doesn't have to be a twin.

    I think it would be a lovely name for a little sister.

    But I suppose whoever builds her will have ideas of their own.

    The idea of a family of these boats, based on the design of Annie's boat is immensely appealing and who knows, might one day be a landmark in the history of cruising boat design. I do think it is that good. I seriously hope that the innovative SibLim design will be followed by some other family members.

  • 04 Apr 2018 21:43
    Reply # 6016678 on 6014626
    Graeme Kenyon wrote:

    I thought Annie's "Sibling" was rather lovely.

    I think, to be strictly accurate, it was David who coined the name.  But a true Sibling has to be the 8m version, otherwise it's more of a StepSim!
  • 04 Apr 2018 21:41
    Reply # 6016677 on 6014609
    David Tyler wrote:

    Does this transom look better?

    Not to me it doesn't.  I tried doing this on the model, because it looks so good on Footprints/Shoestring, but it didn't look right on SibLim.  Looking at illustrations of traditional junks, most of those that have the overhanging 'lute' don't have a curved top to it.  I think that when my dragons are playing on the stern, it will look right.  (The name will probably go on the quarters).  Others, of course, may well disagree and incorporate your new design.  This is the joy of building your own.
  • 04 Apr 2018 10:27
    Reply # 6014626 on 6010674
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    I thought Annie's "Sibling" was rather lovely.

  • 04 Apr 2018 09:28
    Reply # 6014590 on 6014585
    Annie Hill wrote:
    David Tyler wrote:
    Annie Hill wrote:

    Ah, a SibLittle! Cute as. 

    A SibSlim?
    Small Is Beautiful, Still Less Is More?

    Raised a smile, on a rainy Cumbrian morning, but I was only thinking of slim in the literal sense, as the beam is less than for SibLim. Let's not go anywhere near SibLimLite.
  • 04 Apr 2018 09:12
    Reply # 6014588 on 6014468
    Thomas Poirier wrote:

    I've modified the link.

    Sorry, Thomas: the link still isn't working for me x-(
  • 04 Apr 2018 09:11
    Reply # 6014585 on 6013163
    David Tyler wrote:
    Annie Hill wrote:

    Ah, a SibLittle! Cute as. 

    A SibSlim?
    Small Is Beatiful, Still Less Is More?
       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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