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  • 01 May 2011 05:12
    Reply # 581537 on 581484
    Alan, there's videos here as well.

    I wouldn't dare do more than window shop on this one until Redwing is launched but I don't think a lightweight JR would alter the balance too much.
  • 01 May 2011 03:13
    Reply # 581494 on 581484
    Deleted user
    Gary Pick wrote: I came across this design recently and I am quite impressed with it. As it has a balanced Lug rig I reckon it would convert to JR with minimal work.

    It's certainly a salty little tub. John would probably be quite amenable to drawing a junk rig for it. The only drawback I can see would be it raising the aspect ratio/CE. making it less stable. Why don't you give John a shout and see if it's been done already.


    [edit] Did you see the video at Duckworks? Scamp - Active Capsize halfway down the page.. Pretty amazing boat. It doesn't sink, it just falls over.
    Last modified: 01 May 2011 03:13 | Deleted user
  • 01 May 2011 02:51
    Message # 581484
    I came across this design recently and I am quite impressed with it. As it has a balanced Lug rig I reckon it would convert to JR with minimal work.
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       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
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