Anchor buddy/chum/angel/sentinel/kellet

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  • 10 Feb 2018 21:51
    Reply # 5730971 on 5730417
    That sounds like a good scheme, David.  I can buy an 8kg one here for $20, which has a cast iron handle, so I suppose is cast iron.  That sounds like a good deal.  The "anchor buddy" here is a shocking price, too.

    Another way to deploy one would be to put a sling of some sort around the handle (which are pretty big) and attach that to the shackle of a snatch block.  the snatch block could be put over the anchor cable and deployed in that way with a light line led to it for retrieval.  That would minimise chafe on the cable.

    I must confess, though, that I do like a decent length of chain, myself.
  • 10 Feb 2018 08:00
    Message # 5730417

    When I anchor Weaverbird in a tideway, at the turn of the tide the anchor rode (short chain plus 12mm nylon, ) has an annoying habit of getting caught around one of the bilge keels. This means that she lies athwart the tide, and puts a great deal more load on the anchor.

    So, I thought, I need a chum. But looking around the UK online chandlers, all I could find was a Buddy at Jimmy Green, a snip at £158.40 !!!

    So, I thought, there has to be something cheaper than that, surely.

    So I looked at weight training apparatus, and found that there is such a thing as a kettlebell, which looks darned near perfect for the job. It comes in many different weights, and I think I'm going to get one at 8Kg. This one is cast iron, with a neoprene casing as well, which may be kinder to the boat. There are also models made of cement, which are probably not worth considering as the density of cement is not so much greater than seawater.

    Initial thought on deployment is that I'll lead the nylon rode through the loop permanently, and secure a 3 metre line to the loop, with a soft eye that I can drop onto a foredeck cleat. 

    Last modified: 13 Feb 2018 17:23 | Anonymous member
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