While planning the conversion of my Galion 22 and thinking about the work and money spending ahead, I saw the almost unused sail I made for my Joe 17.
I came up with a great/stupid/catastrophic (pick one) idea of expanding the sail vertically.
The sail is Arne's Johanna-type with AR 2.10, boom length of about 3m and SA of about 14m2.
The Galion needs maybe 22-24m2 of sail and I was thinking of boom length of 4m. But let's assume that a suitable spot for the mast (with boom length of 3m) could be found and I would add four panels (each about 2m2), would this very high-AR sail be a *add your pick here?
The sail would have eleven panels. Would sheeting or something else (besides a high mast) make more trouble than benefit (in cost and labour savings)?
Edit: I made the sail from separate, hinged panels, which would make adding panels very easy.