Is your sail bundle able to move when the sail is stowed, either back and forth, up and down, or from side to side? Because it is movement of the sail against the mast which is what will cause chafe. After 5 years with the 'new sail' on Footprints there is a very negligible amount of chafe on the sail where it comes in contact with the mast. This is after thousands of miles of coastal and some offshore sailing. In fact I know exactly when the various bits of chafe have occurred, and it has all been whilst underway. When the sail is stowed the boom and sail bundle is lashed down to a substantial boom gallows so there is no movement of the sail against the mast. This is probably the secret to preventing chafe when the sail is down, ensure that there is no movement at all of the sail against the mast.
So after all this time I have worn only one small hole through the actual sail itself which I have repaired with some glued on sail cloth. There is some wear of the webbing which sits over the foam padding on the battens and yard, and the stitching on the webbing has worn through in several areas but not enough the make it necessary for me to carry out repairs. All of this damage has occurred while underway in rolling sea conditions when I knew I should have dropped the sail but did not.