As for calculating the aluminium mast, I start with guesstimating the righting moment of the boat, as shown in Chapter 6b about hybrid masts.
I want an aluminium mast to have about twice the yield strength, Mb yield, of the boat’s maximum righting moment, Mr.
The challenge is to guess on the maximum righting arm, that is, the maximum horizontal distance between the centre of buoyancy (CB) and the centre of gravity (CG). As can be seen in that chapter 6B, this arm is a function of the beam and the sort of ballast the boat has. In Tammie Norie’s case I guess the ‘fudge factor’ to be 0.19, so the righting arm will thus be:
Lr = 0.19 x beam = 0.19 x 2.18m =0.41m
That results in an Mr = Disp x Lr = 907kg x 0.41m = 372kpm
I cannot find the strength of the 6062-T6 alloy. However, I use 6082-T6 alloy with a yield strength of Sigma = 250MPa= 250 N/mm2 in my masts. I use that strength at your mast as well. In case the yield strength is only 230MPa, or whatever, you just reduce the resulting bending strength accordingly.
The strength of a tube with outer diameter D = 100mm and inner diameter 94mm should then be
Mb yield= Pi/32 x 250 x ( 1004 – 944) / 100 = 5381Nm = 549kpm
With the mast strength below 1.5 times that of Tammie Norie’s estimated Mr, I would say that your mast might be on the slim side. The mast I had for my 750kg Frøken Sørensen was Ø100 x 4mm, and didn’t appear to bend.
If, when you sail around with Tammie, can see that the mast bends from the cockpit, then it might be an idea to replace it, at least if you have some deep-water ambitions.
Note: My very home-made “rules” are not very accurate. Still they appear to produce strong enough masts without making them over-heavy. That’s what I aim for...