(Moved from another thread)
Arne wrote:
Btw, what sail area did you finally decide on for your boat, and what was the length and weight of the mast?
now I found the CAD-drawings of your rig. The tallest, with AR=2.15 and SA=27.3sqm seems to have a mast height of 9.22m above wl. That is over half a metre taller than the Bermuda mast. The lower JR that I drew up, with AR=2.05, would give 25.8sqm sail area and the mast height of 8.82m,
The original Bermuda SA is given at 18.52sqm giving a SA/disp= 14.14
In case you run into this situation often that you have the choice between three or two panels, then your boat is probably over-rigged. I would then suggest a bold move, which I did to my first boat with JR, Malena:
Roll up the lowest panel permanently, and thus turn your sail into a 6-panel sail of 23.4sqm with AR=1.90 (SA/disp = 17.8). Then chop off as much as you can of the mast. One panel height, P=99cm. The reduction of weight and windage by removing that lump of mast 8-9m up, would be quite helpful. At least, that was my experience with Malena
I went for the AR 2.15 and 27.3 sqm.
I had no equipment to measure the mast, but according to the seller, the 130x5x6000mm has a weight of 33kg. On top of this I have about for meters of 100x4mm (with 500-600mm bury, if I remember correctly).
Well, I haven't gone this far with my thoughts yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if I might eventually be. So far I haven't been in a situation in which the panel 7 would give me significant advantage over sailing with only 6.
Should I end up doing this, in my case "cutting" the sail would be a piece of cake, since I made a hinged sail with separate panels.
On the other hand, there haven't been that many times when I would like to reef down to two panels, either. This happens only in wind strengths closing/exceeding 15 m/s.